The Village Blog

And Why Starting a Daily Writing Practice Can Change Yours
For many people the act of reflectively writing about life’s daily lessons is strangely close to that of having a root canal. Suddenly, all coherent thought evaporates as the memories of lessons learned become lost in the vacuum of space. It’s probably what professionals call “writer’s block.” [...]
You Are What You Eat, And So Is Your Brain
We’ve all heard the old adages “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” but can what we eat influence our emotional and mental well-being? There is a growing trend looking at the role diet plays in mental health. While a balanced diet and good [...]
A Story of a Big and Little Who Made The Perfect Match
It was close to Mother’s Day when Ruth Weber and Britany Williams headed out for their first get-together as Big Sister and Little Sister. They decided to drop by the Humane Society garage sale and let 6-year-old Britany choose a gift for her mom. After passing over a variety of Mother’s Day gift [...]
The Story of Scott Finding Joy in Life Again
Scott struggled with PTSD, but didn't know what was wrong. He found help at The Village. Scott Geiselhart should have died. The gun should have fired. Instead, when he aimed his revolver at himself and pulled the trigger, it just clicked. Nothing more. Scott slammed the gun on the desk at his [...]
A Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Story of Growing Together
Ervin didn’t like reading. So every week, his Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor, Karl would come to his school, sit with him, and help him with the words. That’s what a Big Brother does. He shows up. Every time. Six years later, Karl still shows up for Ervin. “He’s helped me get through the hard times [...]
Start Having More Fun with Your Kids
Parenting is serious business, and it can be overwhelming at times. It can also be a whole lot of fun if you find ways to sneak some play into your day. You don’t have to shirk grown-up responsibilities or make a fool of yourself (not that there’s anything wrong with that) to become a more playful [...]
Encourage Children to Use Manners at an Early Age
As parents and caregivers, it’s important to encourage our children to use good manners. Saying “please” and “thank you” are social courtesies necessary to use throughout one’s lifetime. Starting early to teach our children good manners will provide the most positive results. Children learn best by [...]
Why We're Not Just Fruit on a Scale
Work-life balance is an interesting concept. Many people have written about it, conducted research on it, and trained countless numbers of us in how to achieve it. You would think with all that focus we would all be well-balanced and happy by now, but apparently that’s more wishful thinking than [...]