The Village Blog

Tools for Children to Identify and Calm Anxious Feelings
Fear. Worry. Anger or irritation. Insomnia. Anxiety can have many faces. Sometimes, it’s the face of your child. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue of childhood and adolescence, the Child Mind Institute reports. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.4% [...]
A Client Shares Her Story of Resiliency in Letter to Therapist
When Molly* first came to The Village’s Moorhead office, she had no idea how much it would come to mean to her. Now she describes it as a “place of miracles,” where she feels safe to share honestly, ask questions, be challenged, break down walls, learn, and grow. Molly wrote a letter thanking her [...]
Openness Without Oversharing Can Keep Sex from Being a Taboo Topic
Has “The Talk” come up for you and your family yet? You know ... the birds and the bees, hanky-panky. Yep, I’m talking about sex. If you are anything like most people, the desire to talk to kids about sex is ranked as high as your desire for a root canal. It can feel overwhelming or downright [...]
Don't Wait for a New Year to Make Positive Life Changes
Many of us make New Year’s resolutions year after year. Why do we wait for a New Year to make positive changes? And how many of us succeed? A recent poll found 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, 46% of resolutions are kept for at least six months, and 5% keep their resolution the entire [...]
How The Village Helped a Family Cope with the Unthinkable
1 out of 5 Americans suffer from behavioral health-related illnesses each year, resulting in strained relationships, lost wages, and even death. The consequences can be devastating, as one local family knows all too well. In the span of just 18 months, they lost three loved ones to suicide. Through [...]
Understanding the Difference Between Leadership and Management
Have you ever sat back and thought about where leaders come from? If you were asked what a leader is, you could probably rattle off some traits or characteristics that an individual may possess that would make them a leader. You likely have identified these leadership traits as something you wished [...]
Is 'Good Enough' Ever Enough?
I remember thinking 40-plus years ago, “If we can just make $25,000 a year, we’ll have it made!” Then it was $30,000, then $50,000, then $75,000. Enough was never enough. “Having it made” was always just … out … of … reach. Little did I understand at the time that “having it made” isn’t about having [...]
How Improving Your 'EI' Can Make You More Resilient
Job pressure. Money. Relationships. Politics. These are some of the top causes of stress, something we all experience and can affect our mental health. We can't change all the circumstances that cause our stress, however we can become more aware of the indicators of stress and how we can begin to [...]
The Different Areas of Your Well-Being and Ideas for How to Improve Them
Personal well-being isn’t just how physically fit you are, or how you feel right now. Achieving wellness involves making choices that positively affect you in many different areas of life, as physical and mental health interact with each other. Working toward wellness can help you to engage in [...]