The Village Blog

Communicate Better with Your Partner, Cherish Each Other More, & Build a Stronger Relationship
Couples today may experience less satisfaction in their marriage as compared to their parents, research shows. One report indicated a 42 percent dip in satisfaction! One factor may be related to having kids later in life, and feeling more social pressure to provide the best of everything. However [...]
The Story of a Great Kid Who Just Needed a Little Help with His Mental Health
Apollo is a smart little guy, but was struggling at daycare. His parents didn't understand what was going on. Then, they found help at The Village in St. Cloud. Apollo was diagnosed with sensory perception disorder, and his parents are learning how to help him. This is their story: If you're [...]
Tips for Coping When Your Thoughts Just Won't Stop
Have you ever replayed a train of thought in your head over and over again? No matter what you do, you can’t seem to think about anything else. Rumination is the act or habit of obsessing over negative events or interactions in the past, and it is a stress-magnifier that can have negative effects on [...]
Understanding Codependency in Relationships and How to Move Forward
Try to envision all of the relationships you have in your life – your relationship with your parents, your spouse, your children, or your best friend. Do any stick out to you? Would you classify any or all of these relationships as being fulfilling and mutually beneficial, or would you classify them [...]
Volunteer BBBS Mentor Sees Difference A Perfect Match Can Make
Framed photos decorate Char Laney’s tidy desk at JDP Electric, Inc., in Fargo. Among pictures of family members and pets is a small silver frame. It shows Char with her “youngest friend,” on their first outing to West Acres mall. Since 2014, Char has volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of The [...]
How Mentorship impacts the Lives of Youth
Po·ten·tial (pə-ten-chəl): Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future What can we do to defend the potential in the lives of kids in our community who, through no fault of their own, may not be facing the best life circumstances? How can we show them that they [...]
Nikki's Tells Her Story of Healing and Change
Nikki was a prisoner in her own bedroom. Her entire life she’d been abused. As a girl, she tucked herself into closets to hide from her mother’s cruel words. She couldn’t escape the sexual abuse she later faced by two people she should have been able to trust. Her 30-year marriage was filled with [...]
Culture in The Workplace is About Feeling Valued and Heard
What is the most valuable aspect of your organization? Often people respond with their building, technology, the service they provide, or the proprietary secrets that set them apart. Some may even say the people. All these things are good – and in many respects are keys to success – but they are not [...]
A Thankful Letter From a Client of First Step Recovery
During Recovery Month, observed nationally every September, we remember the lives lost to the disease of addiction and celebrate with those who found the treatment they needed to get well. Here is one of those stories, as told by an alumnus of First Step Recovery of The Village: It was May 2015, and [...]