The Village Blog

Embracing Conflict Can Be Good for Your Organization
It seems like we as a society are more divided than ever, with arguments over politics, which football team is better, or whether pineapple belongs on pizza creating conflict. Conflict can be good – it can help to develop me as a person or an organization – but only when we are willing to listen and [...]
Why Being a 'Ghost' Is Not a Sign of Courage
I recently read a Steve Boese blog that described how the University of Alabama quarterbacks coach, Dan Enos, left in the middle of the night for a new coaching stint at the University of Miami without telling his boss, Head Coach Nick Saban. Saban was reported to be on the verge of promoting Enos [...]
You Have the Power to Change Your Attitude
You wake up before the alarm goes off, you feel refreshed. The sun is shining, birds chirping, coffee brewing. The kids are off to school, and your spouse is headed to work. You breathe in and think to yourself, “It is going to be a good day.” Then you remember you have a staff meeting at 10 am [...]
Know Where You Want to Go and Press Forward
Man, if I only knew then what I know now, I’d be … rich, married to the "right person," successful, happy … You fill in the blank. It seems we all have 20/20 hindsight telling us where we “missed it” and, in my experience, that can be rather painful. Many of those lost opportunities may never come [...]
Plans and Consistency Can Keep Holiday Vacations Fun
When schools let out for winter break, and all the excitement surrounding the holidays may lead to a hectic household. After a few days, disrupted routines, sugar-filled diets, and cabin fever may have parents singing that familiar Christmas carol line: “And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to [...]
In-Home Family Therapy, Counseling, and Mentoring Improved a Family's Life
Sandy Nelson’s daughter was running away and cutting herself. She’d had suicidal thoughts. Nothing was helping her. She was getting worse. That’s when The Village Family Service Center entered their lives. Through In-Home Family Therapy, Outpatient Counseling, and mentoring through Big Brothers Big [...]
Why Parents Should Stop Satisfying Kids' Every Want
As parents, we want what's best for our kids. Often we do what we can to make them happy. We don't want them to experience struggle, turmoil or disappointment, so we try hard to satisfy their wishes. While we may have the best of intentions, sometimes it goes too far. Overindulgence happens when we [...]
IOP Helped Joshua Learn It's OK to Not Be Perfect
Joshua Grondahl has had many losses in his life. Even at a young age he suffered from depression. He attempted suicide in sixth grade. The years 2015 to 2017 came many hardships. He lost his dad. His house burned down. He divorced. He felt the ultimate low and knew he had to do something before [...]
Structure, Preparation, and Attitude Can Make Meetings More Effective
You’re moving along, getting work done, feeling productive, and then you have to stop for a meeting. Normally this wouldn’t bother you, but you’re not sure why you were invited to this meeting, or even what the purpose of the meeting is. So you break your concentration and hope you can get back into [...]