The Village Blog

Learn About What Could Happen After Getting Caught Driving Drunk
You made a poor decision to drink and drive and got caught. Now what? If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), it can be a very scary and uncertain experience. After getting a DUI, you may have to appear in court. In most states there will be a loss of driving privileges for a [...]
Let's Talk Mindfulness and How To Use It
As spring comes into bloom, it often brings a sense of renewed energy. The season brings to mind spring cleaning and becoming more active and involved. It means the end of school for the year is near, and we begin thinking about summer plans – what activities, events, games, and vacations we will [...]
Using Art to Make Connections Creatively
For Danielle Klapper, a blank canvas and plastic cups filled with thin paint could be the makings of an art therapy session for a client who struggles to let go of control. Danielle would give a directive – pour the paint on the canvas – and then help the client process what they experienced. What [...]
Discover How to Best Show Love and Appreciation to Your Partner
Valentine’s Day tends to be a time for people to focus on their relationship with their significant other. Perhaps you feel out of touch with your partner, and want to take steps to improve that relationship. A necessary component to any satisfying relationship is building a culture of appreciation [...]
8 Tips to Help Make a Routine That Is Right for You
Go to work. Drive carpool. Make dinner. Wash the dishes. Do the laundry. Help with homework. Put the kids to bed. Buy the groceries. Pay the bills. Our to-do lists seem never-ending, and many of us are exhausted even before we’ve added in important self-care habits like exercise, journaling, or [...]
What Is EMDR Therapy and How Can It Be Used?
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. It is a type of therapy used to treat a variety of mental health issues. EMDR involves reprocessing memories that have essentially become stuck in the brain. Sessions involve stimulating the hemispheres of the brain through visual, auditory [...]
Mental Health Help from The Village Helped Client with Post-Partum Anxiety
With an induction, long labor and post-delivery complications, the birth of Jessica’s first baby was nothing like she imagined. “It was honestly a traumatic experience for me,” Jessica* says. To make matters worse, Jessica developed postpartum anxiety, which made it difficult for her to enjoy life [...]
7 Tips for Practicing Self-Care
There are always a handful of roles that each of us are juggling. If you are a parent, a student, an employee, a caretaker, someone struggling with a mental health concern, or are just feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities of day-to-day life, the idea of taking time for yourself may seem [...]
Brainspotting Uses The Visual Field To Access Deep Emotions & Memories
The body has an amazing ability to heal itself from trauma. This fairly new type of therapy uses a client's visual field to uncover unprocessed trauma, negative emotions, and pain. Identifying and utilizing “brainspots” can allow us to access deeper emotions and traumatic memories that we maybe didn [...]