The Village Family Service Center offers several counseling options to promote positive mental health for children, from the youngest infant through adolescence.
Professional counselors at The Village are highly trained to provide children's therapy. They can help diagnose and treat mental health issues so you and your children can build a better future. These issues may include:
- Anxiety and Depression
- Attachment Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Early Childhood Mental Health
- Behavior Issues
- Childhood Trauma
- Sensory Processing Disorders/Difficulties
... and many other issues that affect children and their families.
Many mental health issues have their beginnings in childhood or adolescence. The National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey found that 13 percent of children ages 8 to 15 had at least one mental disorder, a rate that is comparable to diabetes, asthma, and other diseases of childhood. Yet, mental health disorders often go undiagnosed and untreated for years.
Depending where you live, The Village may be able to provide mental health services to children in an office, home, or school setting. To make an appointment to see a Village counselor regarding these or other issues, contact The Village office nearest you.