The Village Blog

Hard-to-Kill Plants & How To Cope After a Plant Dies
Plants are great! Caring for plants can aid in mental and physical health. Nature can bring us peace. Plants can even offer benefits like emitting a fresh scent or cleaning the air. Check out our post on plant therapy for more info on all the good that can come from plant care. Many people are great [...]
Tips for Planning Summer Schedules & Keeping Kids Occupied at Home
Summer always seems busier than any other time of year. Between community events, kids' activities, and trying to fit everything in before it gets cold again, there's just so much to do. Here are some tips for dealing with busy schedules in the summer. Planning summer activities Make a summer [...]
Helping Children Cope with Traumatic Events
In today's world, when we see violent events unfold in both metropolitan and rural communities, it reminds us that they can happen at any place and any time. Parents can help their children cope with traumatic events when they occur, whether close to home or far. 5 Suggestions to Help Kids Cope 1 [...]
7 Ways to Work Toward Healing From Traumatic Experiences and Cope with Stressful Situations
We all face trauma, adversity, and other stresses throughout our lives. When people think of trauma, they often think of things like abuse, terrorism, or catastrophic events (big ‘T’ trauma). Trauma can also be caused by events that may be less obvious but can still overwhelm your capacity to cope [...]
5 Types of Meditation to Pair with Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Many people are affected by trauma at some point in their life. Symptoms of trauma can include anxiety, confusion, agitation, dissociation, and more. Luckily, there are treatments for issues caused by trauma. There are also many ways to alleviate symptoms. Yoga and trauma-sensitive meditation can [...]
What Are They and How Can They Help?
Everyone gets stressed out. Kids and adults alike can have trouble regulating their emotions when they are in an overwhelming environment. This is called dysregulation, which happens when the body's threat response is triggered. Sensory interventions can help! Sensory Interventions When you're [...]
Benefits of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga and Examples of How to Practice It
Just about everyone experiences trauma. Trauma can be anything that brings large amounts of distress emotionally and/or physically that can last long after the traumatic experience. Something that is traumatic to one person may not seem traumatic to another, so people might minimize their own [...]
He's the Adorable Dog Who Helps Out in Therapy Sessions
Cuddling isn’t usually part of a counseling session, except when Dr. Spencer Reid is in the room. Dr. Spencer Reid is a four-legged mental health professional. The golden retriever assists Village Therapist and Clinical Supervisor Shauna Erickson-Abou Zahr with her Moorhead, Minnesota-area clients [...]
A List of Books Recommended by Our Therapists
To celebrate Mental Health Month, we asked our therapists to give recommendations for books related to mental health. Looking to improve your everyday life? Want to learn more about different mental health issues? Diving deeper into the art of therapy? Healing from trauma or addiction? Raising [...]